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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Managing The Human Asset: The Need for HR

In today’s world people are not considered mere workers, they are viewed as valuable assets that can make or break organizations.

The knowledge based economy has presented challenges which dictated certain competency frame on the part of the human element in the factors of production.
Managing Human Asset: the need for HR is a conference which Muscat will embrace for three days. The conference will commence on January 30th, 2012 and will continue through January 31st before concluding on February 1st, 2012.

The conference is organized by Fleming Gulf Conferences, one of the leading names in the business intelligence industry with a rich history of producing high quality, industry specific business events around the world.

Among the topics which will be discussed in the conference are the following:
  • Nationalization: an Opportunity, not liability - Practical and Sustainable solutions to challenges
  • Employee Value Proposition for talent retention and employee engagement – PDO‘s journey
  • Talent Master plan & Knowledge Management model at Central Bank of Iran
  • Understanding and Developing a Competency framework  Innovating your Compensations and Benefits Program
  • Succession Planning in times of change
  • Mergers and Acquisitions - Role of the HR Function
  • Restructuring and Organization Design changes- the challenges
  • Productivity – The HR contribution to bottom line
  • Engaging People to Achieve Strategy
  • Labor Unions- Developing smooth and efficient partnerships between employers and employees
  • Learning - the key to Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainable Development
  • Linking organisational performance to people outcomes: the role of HRM
  • Women in the workforce - Role and responsibilities of HR
  • Leadership Development through Emotional Intelligence and Values

I was honored to be among the advisory panel for organizing the conference agenda. It was a real opportunity to share my ideas among the rest of the advisors and brainstorm with the rest of the team the best scope that suites the theme of the conference.

Subsequently I was also selected to be a moderator for a panel discussion on "Labor Unions- Developing smooth and efficient partnerships between employers and employees". The panelist in this discussion will include the following:

·        Salah Faqir Murad Al Raisi, National Bank of Oman, Head of Staff Relations & Services

·        Shahzad Sadan, Al Hassan Group, General Manager, Organization Development

 The conference with its juicy agenda will provide plenty of food for thoughts for the participating HR professionals and other business leaders. It will also be an ideal place for networking and hopefully will be thought provoking, eye opening and supporting in furnishing the participants with some answers for their questions and end up satisfying their thirst for knowledge.

I wish the gathering a grand success.

Thanks a million Fleming Gulf Conferences for providing me with such a golden opportunity to be among a beehive of HR professionals and business leaders. I am certainly looking forward to it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let us Hone That Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae or Resume is nothing but a statement of fact that sheds light to recruiters about a particular applicant. It’s a tool through which an applicant presents his or her current status in terms of personal, educational and work related experience. Having said that, there are certain tips that need to be taken into consideration to make the CV stand out amongst the heaps of CVs that the Human Resources departments sift through in search of the ideal candidate that best suits the identified position specifications.

There are  hundreds of job seekers who  are following vacancy announcements published in news papers, organization websites and various social networking means however their CV should not be written in a hasty manner rather it should be designed to meet the requirements and attract the attention of the end users.

To ensure that impression is created and the CV becomes marketable we should consider the following:
·        Research the organization you are applying to: Applicants should spend time to collect adequate data that will enable them to know about the organization, its structure, nature of business in order to align their credentials to suit the positions they are applying to. This step will also help them at the interview if their CV is shortlisted.
·        Make it Appealing: Packaging is one of the four Ps of marketing. Therefore designing an appealing CV will attract the attention and tempt the recruiters to read it and recommend it.
·        Make it Precise and Concise: Sometimes people have the tendency to exaggerate and elaborate their CVs to an extent that they become a term paper rather than a summarized statement. Hence applicants should avoid falling in this trap and make their CV limited to two to four pages at the maximum. The objectives ought to be precise to give an impression that the applicants know what they are looking for.
·        Presentation: Data should not be presented in a haphazard manner. It should be structured in a chronological order preferably taking a descending direction so that the assessor goes from the current state downward.
·        Language: The CV should be written in a lucid language using suitable words and should be refined by taking a moment to edit it before it is sent.

The applicants should be responsible for the data which he or she includes in their CVs. Even if they resort to an outside help that does not justify their ignorance about what is being written in the CV. Recruiters are likely to throw some questions from the content of the CV. As a result the applicant should know what he or she has furnished and is not caught unawares during the interview.

I am sure if these tips are put in use they will add that magic touch to your CV to make it attention grabbing and hopefully lead to a surprise call inviting you to appear for an interview. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


 (An interview with me published in Commercial Magazine, in April. 2010.)

v Career background:

I began my career in the public sector, as a fresh of graduate of Business Administration from the USA. In 1989, I joined Diwan of Royal Court where I was destined to climb the ladder by virtue of my hard work and discipline. I had the privilege to hold several managerial positions such as Director of Administration & finance in several Directorate General within the organization, the last of which was the Director of planning &Studies. During my  tenure  there I had the opportunity to get an insight into the nature of the public sector and mechanism of   coordination between the various public administration and underwent training in areas such as human resources strategic management communication and other soft skills as well as enhancing my it skills.

In 2007,  I felt that I needed to test my abilities and skills in a different sphere particularly that I had two master degrees by then. My entry into the private sector was marked by taking up the assignment as a group HR manager in al hasher group in April 2007. Thereafter I joined The Wave Muscat in October 2008 as the company HR manager.

v Strength and weakness

The ability to communicate and adapt are of a paramount  importance besides sound technical knowledge in one profession inculcating the trust which in turn yield favorable results. Everyone should make it appoint to adopt a strategy for continuous improvement.

v Leadership style

I believe in leading by example. I always make it a team effort and all would thrive and excel if we harness the real power of team work  a win / win is the ultimate concern always but there are moments where decisiveness is the secret to success. I make it my undeterred responsibility to groom, empower and motivate my subordinates and play a vital role in assisting them to  see their aspirations come true.

v Key to success

Clarity of purpose, consistency, prioritizing  and ability to deal  with people  effectively

v How you handle difficult moments?

Handling such moments certainly requires the ability to focus your attention on the root cause and approach it with patience. Being receptive  to new ideas can be a highly  practical means to find solutions.

v What you achieved from the present position?

 I am   actually a we   man .The achievement of The Wave Muscat as a  project  speaks  louder than words . As the days pass by, The Wave Muscat   proves that it is the new heart of Muscat. From all Individual perspective, I  have  gained great  confidence in working with  a multi – cultural  organization and learned that  productivity is a matter of a personal  effectiveness   .

v Turning point in life :

Turning points are many but  to touch  upon  an example , leaving behind  secure job in the public  sector in a prestigious organization with  less working  hours meant  a real challenge to me. Such a step  required  a paradigm shift and  effectively  managing one’s own self the decision  is worth  taken  and it is an enriching experience.

v The boundary line between official and personal life :

I do not   believe in mixing business with pleasure. I devote my efforts to shoulder the tasks I am   entrusted to perform in a disciplined and pro fissional manner.  Prioritizing and challenging the vice of procrastination is the name of the game. Once I call it off  for  the day , it is  time to leave the  office  behind  to attend  to my  personal and family  concerns .

v  About life in Oman

Life in Oman is marvelous  and beyond description  .it is my beloved country  and  I have  an everlasting  affinity  with each nook  and corner  of it .it is a land  of peace, hospitality and pried.

v How you spend leisure time?

Actually working in the private sector has reduced the available leisure time   but I like  to spend  quality time with my family , read and write and stay in touch with my friends.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keep living with Passion

Keep living with passion is a frequent reminder I am fortunate to receive from my friend Dr. Seif Al Abri. This inspirational gesture is accompanied by a motivating quote of renowned scholars, thinkers and laureates. The wide range of his selections indicates that he is a man of affinity to books and reading in general. I must admit that once his message pop up I make it a point to read and ponder about it. These messages are really uplifting and thought provoking. The first time you read them you may say to yourself. “Yeah, it is easier said than done”. However, when you give yourself a chance to think about it they really make a difference and actually are products of real life experience.
They convey a loud message that it is our attitude that makes a difference. It is out of such a positive angle that my friends Seif advised should be taken.
Keep living with passion, because passion is a driving force towards achieving our goals in life. Passion is an inner uplifting spirit that allows us to consume our energy in a positive manner so that we get that since of fulfillment.
As the renowned author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar puts it in his book Better than Good   “Passion deserves for more credit than the records of history provide. Finding and developing. Passion is a journey not an event. A noble passion win found and developed produces great joy and personal rewards and offers huge benefits to the society as well.
As the New Year has just started why don’t we search within us and discover where our passion lies.  Why don’t we make it a point to include our passion within the list of our New Year resolutions so that we keep living with passion and inculcate this attitude through which we can make a difference in our life, society and humanity at large.
Living with passion certainly makes life meaningful. It gives us the opportunity to appreciate the positive things around us. And empower us to appreciate and celebrate the gift of life.  Some of these keep living with passion reminders I have received are highlighted below:
·        No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined- Henry Emerson Fosdick.
·        Whatever course you decide upon there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. These are always difficulties arising which tempt to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

·        Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson
Thank Dr. Seif. Keep your messages flowing, we really need to remind ourselves that it is essential to put fire in our desire and keep living with passion.